Video: ASCO Community Forum with Candidates for 48th Ward
Friends Of Leni Friends Of Leni

Video: ASCO Community Forum with Candidates for 48th Ward

On Jan 26, the Association of Sheridan Condominium/Co-op Owners (ASCO) hosted a community forum at Emanuel Congregation to hear from all 10 candidates running for 48th ward alderperson. The event was moderated by Sean Lewis, WGN weekend morning anchor.

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Video: 48th Ward Aldermanic Candidate Forum
Friends Of Leni Friends Of Leni

Video: 48th Ward Aldermanic Candidate Forum

On Jan 14 Uptown United, the Andersonville Chamber of Commerce and the Edgewater Chamber of Commerce hosted a forum at the Broadway Armory to hear from all 10 candidates running for 48th ward alderperson.

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Video: SEAC Candidate Forum
Friends Of Leni Friends Of Leni

Video: SEAC Candidate Forum

On Jan 7, the South-East Asia Center hosted a candidate forum at the Bezazian Library for all 10 candidates running to become the next alderperson of the 48th ward.

The forum was moderated by Peter Porr, founder and acting president of the South-East Asia Center.

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