Asian American Caucus Event

Today we joined JB Pritzker and Juliana Stratton along with Josina Morita, Ram Villivalam, and the Asian American Caucus to unite in our commitment to make Illinois a welcoming state. After a devastating rise of anti-Asian hate and violence, Illinois responded with a bill to increase awareness of our past. With the bill signed into law in 2021 by JB, we are now a leader in the nation to require Asian American history in all public schools with the Teaching Equitable Asian American History (TEAACH) Act. Asian American history is American history.

Whether it’s early voting, vote-by-mail, or showing up at the polls, we will vote this year and at every election to say that Illinois is United and that hate has no home here.

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Oct 15: Come Out and Meet Leni!


Aug 30: Petition launch event: Let’s launch Leni!