It’s Official! Leni Manaa-Hoppenworth is on the Ballot!

We are officially on the ballot and the name “Leni Manaa-Hoppenworth” is the longest one in this crowded race, so it will be easy to scan for when you vote in February!

A note from Leni:
Thank you to the 2,100+ voters in the 48th ward that signed my petition to get me here. I am so proud that my people-powered campaign submitted the second-highest number of signatures of all of the 48th ward candidates running. I know I can serve our community as an alderwoman because I am this community!

As a queer woman of color, daughter of Filipino immigrants, dedicated community organizer, and a mother whose kids were raised in Chicago Public Schools, I am proud to say that I am embedded in the fabric of our ward.

As an Andersonville renter since 1999 and small-business owner since 2003, I am committed and invested in making sure our ward remains true to its progressive, local roots. Let's make this happen together — join my campaign today by volunteering and/or chipping in and let's ensure that our ward has representation that is truly representative of us!

Thank you for your support and keep it coming!  -Leni


Leni Interviewed by Joan Esposito on WCPT 820AM


Indivisible Illinois Endorsement